Faith and Letting Go

Let Go and Let God, my child.
Life is a precious gift and we are never promised tomorrow. I know this all too well with the death of my own son, Samuel.
Right after we moved to Florida, Jeff and I began waking up super early to go running/biking together before work. I find such great peace in that time…almost as much peace that I receive when watching the sunrise and sunset at the beach. We had been involved in some issues with the children and I was feeling angst big time.
But we’re movin’ and groovin’ biking and I just started weeping uncontrollably..And at THAT moment LOUD and CLEAR once again…a wave of peace fell over me. Let Go and Let God, Nicole. I even started putting out my arm like I was releasing all the confusion and pain and finally giving it to the Lord. Peace came over me.
After that event though even more craziness started happening…kids arguing, close to arguing with the hubs..AND please remember also I had not even told Jeff yet about the clarity I had received during our work-out. Yet in the middle of this new craziness, Jeff looked at me and said, “Babe. We need to just let go and let God”!!
Can you believe it?! He has no clue I had just envisioned those EXACT words just moments ago!!!
So we stopped. We grabbed all the children’s hands and we prayed. And we let go and let God!!
I’m not perfect. Actually I’m a hot mess at times like we all an IN YOUR FACE reminder of needing to let go and let God was and is a MUST. I’m so grateful I had the humility to place a favorite tattoo of this on my arm so I can read it every day.
Keeping the Faith and Let Go and Let God.