by Nicole | 05,05 | Blog
I want to share with you the steps I took to rebuild my confidence after the trauma of abuse, rape, and losing my first-born child to SIDS.
Confidence is a crazy thing. It takes forever to build it and then it can be shattered in a matter of minutes. When I was a young child, my dad would always tell me the importance of confidence. That confidence can pave the way for your success in life. That true confidence can bring you financial security, as well as emotional security. Being that I believed and trusted my father, I have been working on building my confidence since I was a little girl.
When it was time to go off to college, I thought not only had I built myself into a strong, confident woman, but I had also convinced myself that nothing or no one could ever steal my confidence away from me. I was ambitious. I had big plans and nothing would stand in my way (or so I thought).
Confidence Shattered
Sadly, all the confidence I had worked so hard to build up in myself as a child, was shattered the night I was gang raped and my virginity was stolen from me my freshmen year of college at Florida State University.
That night my esteem and the confident and vibrant girl I had been was obliterated. After my rape, I reverted back into a scared little girl. I didn’t want to tell anyone what had happened to me that horrific night because I thought deep down that the rape was all my fault. I had even convinced myself that I deserved to be raped by those fraternity brothers because I had been wearing a tight, little black skirt while drinking heavily with several of my sorority sisters that very evening.
When I finally built up the confidence and courage to share what had happened to me at that fraternity brother’s apartment, no one believed me at first. Maybe some still don’t.
I wish it wasn’t my truth but I share it openly now because I need you to know that if you have experienced this sort of horror. It’s not your fault and you did not deserve it, and it is possible to heal the emotional pain it has caused you. I am living proof.
That sexual assault certainly impacted me negatively on multiple levels but at the time I chose to pick up the pieces of me that were shattered by this horrific act and move forward. Time passed and I slowly began building up my confidence again. I graduated college, went off to grad school, and even landed an amazing job right after I received my graduate degree.
Not long after that I met the man who I thought, at the time, was the true love of my life. That man and I went on to get married and have a little boy together. But our life was about to be shook, merely nine weeks after our son Samuel was born I found him lifeless in his crib. My life changed for the worst that very day.
Once again another trauma shattered all of my confidence I had worked so hard to rebuild.
However, this time was much worse. I didn’t even want to live anymore after Samuel’s death. All I could think about, night and day, was how am I ever going to survive the death of my son. Rebuilding my confidence was the last damn thing on my mind but I knew I needed it to rise up from the pit I was in.
I needed the confidence to redefine who I was now that Samuel was gone.
I needed the confidence to keep going when the pain of life without my son made the future blurry and it hurt to go on without him.
I needed the confidence to let go of what was and embrace what was to be. It would be different but I had a small hope deep down that I could be ok again.
In time I began to heal from the loss of my child. The steps I took are laid out in this blog post on reaching rock bottom and I have also created a program to help others heal and find happiness faster than it took me.
I was bound and determined to rebuild me confidence yet again. However, sadly, this time the confidence I had built after the loss of my son was short lived.
My husband at the time, the one I lost my baby boy with, went straight towards drugs and alcohol to self soothe his pain after our son’s death, and became quite abusive towards me.
Check out my blog on soothing pain in a healthy way here
Fear of the unknown kept me in a bad situation for too long.
Looking back, all the red flags and signs were there and I should have divorced him the first time he got physical with me, but I didn’t. I got into my head, yet again, and lured myself into believing that I deserved all the abuse I was receiving from him. Most of the abuse was emotional, mental, and psychological which was honestly far worse than the physical abuse I endured during our marriage.
At this point, I was lost. I had reached my breaking point. I didn’t want to live anymore and all I wanted to do was to commit suicide. I felt like a worthless mother, wife, and friend. My confidence was gone and I felt at this point it was never coming back.
I no longer accepted who I was because I had shame about all of the terrible things that had happened to me. I had these two beautiful children that I loved with all of my heart but my esteem was so low and my self love was non existent. I had become a shell of a person going through the motions.
I didn’t know how to face the future anymore as I could hardly get out of bed or survive through the day. I had reverted back to being a scared, little, helpless girl and this was not who I wanted to be. There was the me I wanted to be trapped inside screaming and praying for things to change.
A few months later, shocked and in total disbelief, I found out I was pregnant yet again. I knew something needed to change, and it needed to change immediately.
And, boy, did it.
Just a couple of nights later, merely just days after finding out I was going to have another baby, I walked in on my now ex-husband with a rolled twenty-dollar bill, snorting cocaine off the bathroom vanity, while our two-year-old daughter was in the bathtub.
I was done. Enough was enough.
I had reached my rock bottom and I was done tolerating a life with him. I made a decision in that moment that I was no longer going to put up with his mistreatment and abuse
Nor could I continue to expose my children to this mess. I had taken the abuse because my confidence and self respect was completely shattered, but they deserved better. I deserved better too!
I no longer felt safe so I grabbed my baby, Lillian, out of the tub and called the cops that very moment. He was arrested that night and I filed for divorce the very next day.
Almost immediately my confidence started to improve. I felt like a brave and strong momma because even though I was four months pregnant, with two toddlers at my feet, and I realized the moment I left I was going to be single mommin’ it quite possibly for a lifetime. It didn’t scare me. I knew with God by my side, I could do it.
My confidence began to sky-rocket.
I had hope for the future again.
I felt capable of managing whatever life threw at me.
I knew that no matter what, God had me held and had incredible plans for me.
I share all of this with you to show you that you can go through tremendous pain and heartache throughout your life, and your confidence completely shattered and stolen from you a million times over, and still find a way to rebuild your confidence, your self-worth, and your ability to love life like you have never loved it before.
It is never too late to feel like a confident, brave, independent woman that the good Lord created you to be.
As you can see, my sweet friend, I have had some terrible things happen to me throughout my lifetime thus far and more than likely you have too. But, I promise you, that together we can rebuild our confidence exactly where we want it to be.
Rebuilding Your Confidence After Trauma.
I have made a simple list of what it takes to rebuild your confidence based on what I had to do to get where I am today.
First of all
1. Let go of the past and control your present.
Remember how I told you after my rape I had to CHOOSE to move forward? Nothing could change the fact that I had indeed been gang raped, but I had full control over what you chose to do next. And for me I chose to move forward and rebuild my confidence to be the strong, independent, and brave woman I desired to be.
2. Stop tolerating a life that is less than you deserve.
You do have a choice. You don’t have to let people treat you badly. Don’t wait until you’ve reached “the last straw” to assess your life. And if the people around you are tearing you down it is perfectly ok to put up a boundary and stop the abuse.
3. Have faith that you will be ok.
I was pregnant with two toddlers and it was scary to leave my husband at the time, but I had to trust that God had a plan for me that was better than this. AND HE DID!
He sent my husband of over 8 years to me while I was still pregnant with my ex husband’s child and I have more blessings than I can count because I rebuilt my confidence and got the support I needed to heal.
Also, if you are looking for a group of amazing and supportive women join my free Facebook group, where I give tips, encouragement and resources to feel fully alive and live your best life.
Nicole Gebhardt
by Nicole | 04,29 | Blog
Creating a morning routine helps me with starting my day off in the right direction.
The stress of getting the kids ready for school and out the door in the morning can be a trigger for me and sets the tone for a day in survival mode.
I am sure you can relate to those days that you drag yourself out of bed after a snooze (or two), with no time for a peaceful cup of coffee you head straight into Mom mode. Cue the whining, arguing, frustrations and panic as the clock ticks faster than you can pull it all together.
That is why my sweet friend I want to share this magic little solution of implementing a morning routine into your life.
Benefits of a morning routine
A Solid Morning Routine Helps Me To:
Minimize Stress
Feel Confident
Increase My Motivation
Be Less Forgetful
Maintain Control Over My Emotions And Feelings
Feel More Alive
Live Life To The Fullest
A solid morning routine helps me keep my mind clear and focused so I can stay on task throughout the day. Since I have learned and disciplined myself to buffer in a little “me” time first thing in the morning I give myself a few minutes to visualize and plan out the day before me.
Doing this simple thing and sacrificing just a small amount of sleep has huge benefits. It minimizes my stress level and helps me feel more confident in the choices I am making for myself and my family, it increases my motivation and energy level because I am less forgetful and feel more in control of my emotions, feelings, and thoughts.
Implementing a solid morning routine has even helped hugely in my relationships with both my husband and my children because I feel more excited, alive, and beautiful when I have a good morning routine in place.
In all honesty, having a thriving morning routine makes me look forward to getting out of bed each and every day and it even helps me to live life to the utmost fullest. It’s a secret sauce to living my best life.
It wasn’t always this way!
I feel called to share with you what caused me to learn the true benefits of having a morning routine in place.
I will never forget that dreadful Monday morning during one of my husband’s lengthy deployments, while we were still stationed in Savannah and part of the 165th Airlift Wing. We had a preschooler and two toddlers in the home. I remember waking up that morning and feeling so overwhelmed and lost. I was honestly pretty miserable.
The children were all at an age where they needed me almost every second of every day and I was down-right exhausted trying to not only tend to them, but while also trying to maintain a functioning home all on my own while their daddy was deployed overseas.
I quickly reached a breaking point and remember having the thoughts that if I did not gain control of my day soon I was going to start drinking again due to feeling so overwhelmed, lost, and alone.
I sure wish I had listened to my heart, soul, and my mind that day because I quickly became dependent on alcohol yet again. The last season of alcoholism began the day I found my son, Samuel, lifeless in his crib at the tender age of 9 weeks old, and it didn’t end until the day I found out I was pregnant with my rainbow baby.
Thankfully, I had a dear friend who was on the leadership board for Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) with me, at our church in Savannah, who called me straight out. She immediately encouraged me to put down the bottle and get help. This time I listened, and that very day I made an appointment to start seeing a therapist.
Some of the greatest advice I received after sharing with my therapist, was to implement a morning routine for my family immediately.
I took the advice and I activated a morning routine right away. Boy did it change my life and in a way, saved my life too.
Here is exactly what I did that made a huge shift toward living my best life.
- I started waking up at the same time each and every morning no matter what.
- I would do my quiet time with the Lord
- Reflect on the previous day and think about what I could do better
- I started working out
- Took a shower before the children were even out of bed.
I want to be real with you. Yes, it meant waking up a couple of hours before them, but the benefits of having a healthy morning routine in place made it so worth it.
I even ended up losing a significant amount of weight too!!
As I share this with you, it reminds me of how far I have come by simply implementing a morning routine. As I mentioned above, I now feel more beautiful, healthier, rested, energized and even more ready to take on whatever the new day has to throw at me.
My children and husband have reaped the benefits as well. So, TODAY, I encourage you to go ahead and create a morning routine for your family as well. I promise you will not regret it!!
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by Nicole | 04,13 | Blog
How I have used positive affirmations to heal emotionally from losing a child, sexual abuse, rape and alcoholism
I’m excited to share with you one of my secret weapons to healing my emotional pain. You can empower yourself daily by speaking positive affirmations over yourself to counter attack the emotional suffering you may feel after experiencing abuse or loss.
Did You Know?!
Your brain doesn’t know the difference between reality and what you imagine. Think about it the brain only knows what you experience and tell it. That is why regular repetition of affirming statements about yourself can encourage your brain to take these positive affirmations as fact to reprogram your brain and take your life to the next level.
It’s so important to create and implement positive affirmations into your life, especially if you have been wounded from abuse, rape, or loss. But, obviously the benefits of positive affirmations helps everyone.
You can use affirmations to:
- Build belief in yourself
- Increase your confidence
- Increase your self-esteem
- Create habitual positive thoughts
Since emotional trauma can put you on the struggle bus of constantly fighting depression, anxiety and dark thoughts, making an effort to use positive affirmations can help you heal and overcome faster.
Affirmations That Are Repeated Frequently And With Feeling Are Most Effective!
Repeating an affirmation can indeed help boost your motivation and confidence, but please remember you still have to take some action yourself. Affirmations are a step towards change, not the change itself. Say it, and then take action like you truly believe it.
Ok, Ok. Let’s back up here.
In all honesty, I use to laugh in disbelief when I would watch a movie or read a book that talked about positive affirmations. Especially positive affirmations for healing. How in the world could writing positive affirmations on sticky notes and then hanging them around your home heal you?
I mean who really does that in real life anyway? Seriously?!
On top of that how in the heck were positive affirmations going to help me heal from losing a child, rape, sexual abuse and alcoholism?
It all really sounded bogus to me until one day I sucked it up and actually tried it.
My life changed that very day and my healing journey finally begun. I know it sounds like I am exaggerating but I’m not. It’s true, and I am telling you this made a huge difference for me.
The first thing I did (in my head; because I wasn’t ready to speak it out yet since it felt so awkward) was, I started listing off ten reasons why I loved myself right after I woke up each morning. I had made an agreement with myself that I would give it 21 days. But, I knew deep down after that very first day I would be doing it for the rest of my life. The healing and mindset change that I needed so badly in my life was almost immediate, as I began to speak those words I so desperately needed to hear out loud.
Another thing I did after I got out of bed each morning, is I would look into my mirror and say, “I love you, Nicole. You are beautiful, Nicole. You are enough, Nicole”. It was super-duper hard at first. But, after a few days it became easier and easier.
The crazy thing was after about a month, I started to really believe that I was indeed loved, that I actually was beautiful, and that I truly was enough.
I also began writing in my journal. You know the journal someone gave you for your birthday years ago and you said you would never use it?! Yep, that one. And, little does that person know who gave me that gift, that writing out positive affirmations in the journal likely saved my life because of the action steps I took once I truly believed the affirmations I was telling myself and writing out to myself. The positive affirmations, as well as the empowering habits I began doing (once I believed the affirmations I was saying), with out a doubt helped me start to heal.
Repeating Affirmations, Writing in my journal and on my mirror is what helped me realize
- I was not the reason my 9 week old son died.
- The shame I felt from being sexually abused as a child was his to hold not mine
- That it was also not my fault those fraternity brothers my freshman year at Florida State University raped me even if I was intoxicated
- Being a recovering alcoholic does not define me.
I started loving life again.
Feeling empowered.
Forgiving myself and others from my past.
I Learned how to turn that frown upside down
To be get excited about getting out of bed each morning again.
All of this happened by switching my mindset into positive thinking, affirming that I was enough, and taking action with implementing empowering habits so I could heal from the inside out.
So, if you are finally ready to get the help you need to feel like you deserve love, that you are beautiful, you are enough, and you are truly ready to feel empowered then start TODAY with this simple process.
- Stating the affirmation you need to hear to out loud to yourself
- Acknowledge any doubt or limiting belief (even though/in spite of…) to take away it’s power
- Restate “I know I can/am”
Do this each and every morning and at night. You can even write it on a sticky note too or ask others you trust to say your affirmations to you as well. I promise you will not regret it and your healing journey will begin!!!
by Nicole | 04,06 | Blog
By Nicole Gebhardt
Your Guide To Healing, Hope & Happiness
Self Soothing Strategies: Self Soothing Behaviors I Learned To Calm My Anxiety On My Healing Journey
I am the queen of self-soothing.
For the longest time, and I mean decades, I seemed to always search and find someone or something that I thought would help me heal. Unfortunately, I used negative self soothing strategies to numb my pain instead of dealing with the real issues and doing the work to truly get better, and physically and mentally heal from the inside out.
Self soothing behaviors became my go to way to cope with anxiety, stress and heartache. Not all self soothing is bad because you can implement healthy self soothing strategies into your life to give you an instant boost. I not only believe in positive self soothing strategies, I use them daily and it is a topic I teach about in my grief healing cocoon program.
But, before I get more into my own story about self-soothing let me share with you what self-soothing means. Self-soothing is when we use different techniques to help us cope with our struggles, our heartaches, our depressive state, our anxious thoughts and even any physical pain we might be in to help us feel better. The crazy thing is that this is something we learned how to do when we were just babies!! Were you a thumb-sucker? What about a blankie-holder? If so, that was how you self-soothed yourself as a baby and/or child.
The Reason We Self Soothe
The reason why we self-soothe is because it is a quick and immediate way to “feel better” and move past any negativity, fear, mental stressors, or even pain we might be feeling in that very moment. In our minds, we think self-soothing is a way to stabilize and overcome our fears. But, the truth and the sad thing is that self-soothing is really never a productive long-term “fix” to the issue or problem.
My way to self-soothe myself has almost always been with alcohol. I had convinced myself for years that alcohol was taking away my pain and “fixing” me. But, my problem was once I started drinking I couldn’t stop. I would literally wake up thinking about alcohol and then pass out at night excited to wake up the very next day and start drinking all over again.
Then one day, my quick fix method to soothe myself came crashing down. I was at my worst point on Infant Loss and Miscarriage Awareness Day just a short one and a half years ago when I fell down two flights of stairs after getting drunk and highly intoxicated.
I had started the day off just fine, so I thought.
Got up. Got dressed. Got the kids to school and even attended my weekly bible study group with fellow military spouses that I met with every week while we were living in DC and stationed at the Pentagon. But, during my time with the other spouses I felt my walls come tumbling down.
I couldn’t stop thinking of my dead son and even the multiple miscarriages I had endured. So after the bible study ended I went home and cracked open a beer…which in turn turned into 5 beers, a bottle of champagne and half a bottle of wine. I later found out I almost killed myself, not because of just my fall but my BAC (Blood Alcohol) level was out the roof. I shouldn’t have ever made it out of the hospital alive.
Looking back, now that I am about to celebrate eighteen months of sobriety,
the truth was the alcohol was no longer helping me, and as you can see it literally became my downfall. I must add right here, I pray and wish that no one ever has to see or find their husband or wife at the bottom of two flights of stairs to recognize that self soothing with substances is not the answer.
Praise God, I survived to share my story with you today. And I have found much healthier ways to self-soothe.
- I enjoy a fabulous Shirley Temple, or three, with lots of yummy cherries.
- I also go watch the sunset each and every night to soothe my soul and ground myself.
- Another great thing I do is Reiki Energy Healing on myself each and every morning, noon, and night.
I have found these three things TOGETHER help ease my anxiety, my depression, my PTSD, and it even have helped cure my insomnia.
If you are looking for a place to heal and grow your hope and happiness I want to invite you to my Free Facebook Group Click Here For Access.
Free Facebook Group
I want to leave you with this list of ideas for self soothing techniques you can start using today.

by Nicole | 04,01 | Blog
Find joy by forgiving others who have hurt you. Why forgiveness and healing go hand in hand and how to acknowledge the pain and struggle un-forgiveness is causing in your life.
First and foremost, in order to truly forgive others, you must acknowledge you have un-forgiveness in your heart, mind, body and soul.
I thought for the longest time I had truly forgiven all those who had brought me heartache and pain in and from my past. These people included my ex-husband who had mentally and emotionally abused me for years after the death of our son, the fraternity brothers who gang raped me my freshman year of college at Florida State University, and even the individual who sexually assaulted me when I was just a seven-year-old little girl who became scared to even be alone after that horrific event occurred in my childhood.
But, the truth was I had only blocked out these horrendous episodes and memories, which in turn did not allow me to truly forgive these individuals. Instead I had buried all of it so deep inside of me because the pain and truth of what had happened to me literally brought me to my knees each and every time the thoughts surfaced in my heart and in mind of what happened to me all of those years many, many moons ago.
To get even more real and honest with you, I thought for decades that the rape, abuse, and sexual assault was indeed all my fault as well. Isn’t that awful??
Why do we do this to ourselves???
Oh, and it doesn’t end there. To add even more fuel to the fire, I thought the death of my son, Samuel, was my fault too. I had convinced myself my son died and left this Earth to go be with the Lord in Heaven when he was only 9 weeks of age because of something I did wrong as a young mother and him being my first and only child at the time.
The lack of forgiveness, or what you might call un-forgiveness, became just too much for me to bear because it was causing more problems than the true benefits of utter forgiveness.
I couldn’t keep doing this to myself any longer. It was time for me to truly forgive myself so I could also finally forgive the others, which in hopes would give me the desire to want to be alive and get out of bed again, stop thinking suicidal thoughts, and to feel genuinely happy for the first time in my life.
I did begin to want to get up and get out of bed each morning. I did begin to feel more alive, free, and ready to live life to the fullest. I did want to truly get help for the first time in my life so I could finally heal from my past. And I even did want to implement self-care so I could feel all the joy and happiness life had to offer.
And, yes, life became much more beautiful, exciting, and glorious for the first time for me ever due to simple act of forgiveness.
This is why I have created my program the Healing Cocoon, because you deserve to have a happier and more beautiful life.
I want to close by sharing some of the ways I implemented the act of forgiveness in my life:
Acts Of Forgiveness
I wrote a letter to each of the individuals that hurt me and soon as I wrote it and read it out loud to myself I burned it
I posted bible verses around my house on what God teaches us about forgiveness in the Bible
I started a self-help book called “Mirror Work: 21 Days to Heal Your Life” which taught me ways to implement forgiveness
I began to journal and each day for a month I wrote the person’s name out in my journal and next to it I wrote, “I forgive you”
I began getting Reiki Energy Healing weekly which allowed me to release the pain and forgive all the individuals from my past
Some more tips and ideas on how you can forgive to heal are:
- Always forgive yourself first
- Talk about your feelings
- Share your feelings with someone else
- Forgive smaller things in the beginning then work towards larger ones
- Focus more on the good things in your life
- Look for a support group
- Work towards your own happiness and implement self-care
- Find a Reiki Master near you or schedule a distant reiki session with me
Schedule A Reiki Session With Me
If you are looking for a supportive group for daily encouragement and full of people who are seeking the light join us at Nicole’s Angels.
Free Facebook Group To Help You Heal
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